2022 Parksville-Qualicum Map Our Marshes
Date & Time: August 20 5pm - 9pm (Virtual Classroom Session – on Zoom)
August 21 9am - 4pm - Field Locations at local wetlands
Location: Local wetlands including Parksville Wetlands, Englishman River Estuary (TBC), and Hamilton Marsh (TBC)
Cost: NO CHARGE! ($100+ value)
The B.C. Wildlife Federation's Wetlands Education Program presents Map our Marshes, a free 1.5-day public workshop, hosted in partnership with the Arrowsmith Naturalists and Mid-Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society. During this workshop, participants will hear from guest speakers about community engagement to protect wetlands and human impacts. Wetlands can filter water, mitigate flooding, and provide critical habitat to hundreds of species. Unfortunately, they are disappearing at an alarming rate and need our protection!
Come join us to learn about the different types of wetlands and how to protect them. This entry-level workshop will introduce you to the basics of wetlands and mapping, using free software, GPS, and your smartphone. No previous experience is necessary.
Please review these waivers before registering.
For more information, you may contact:
Alana Higginson, Wetlands Education Program Coordinator
604-882-9988 ext. 238
The B.C. Wildlife Federation reserves the right to postpone the workshop within a 24-hour period before the start time if advised to do so by partner groups or to follow Provincial Health Orders. Upon registering, you will receive a confirmation email, and in the week leading up to the workshop, you will receive an Information Package including the meeting location and further instructions.
Registrations for this event are not available at this time. Please try again later.